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Monday, September 30, 2024

Getting Old Ain't For Sissies

It's been some time since I've posted some thoughts here. Lots has happened in the years since the last post. I've am no longer in Virginia and as of April 2024 am now a resident of "The Grand Canyon State".

Finally got out of living quarters with shared walls and now have a place of our own. No more paying the landlords mortgage. Things were going well up until July 15th when my wife of 23 years suffered a life changing seizure.

Now while she's been through the ringer that's not the purpose of this post. The purpose is to bitch about the insurance industrial machine. Ever since I can remember, insurance was there to take care of things when you could not. I guess it's been a hot minute since I've been terrible sick but that is not the case any longer (and perhaps not for some time).

Nowadays I am finding out that with all of the ongoing care my wife requires, she has to hit specific progress marks in order for the insurance to continue paying for her rehabilitation. I mean nevermind the fact she has been through a 30-ish day induced coma. Nevermind that she now has an RNS device implanted in her cranium. Nevermind that she is still having seizures that impair her ability to follow and/or comply with verbal instructions. But because she's struggling the insurance company elects to kick her while she's down and refuse to cover ongoing care. Of course they act magnanimous and offer an appeal process of which I have to try to convince them that she still needs her rehabilitative care. As if I don't have enough to deal with trying to keep a household running and keep her spirits up after all she's been through.

I'm serious, the people who make these decisions need to be BICTH SLAPPED for making folks like me and so many others have to jump though hoops when they or they're loved ones need care. I for one will continue to fight and advocate for my wife; for better or worse, right? But this nonsense of having to provide justification to an outside entity who has no idea of what the two of us are having to deal with just pisses me off to no end. I will continue the fight so stay tuned if you too have had enough of this kinda' nonsense. That's it for now. God bless to all.

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