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Saturday, October 19, 2024


Howdy all y'all:

Been a long day of running errands. But the weather here in the east valley of Arizona was simply awesome. In fact, we got some rain yesterday.

Went to visit momma this morning to check on her. She's doing well physically, but the mental part of her recovery is wearing thin. I share her frustration that the progress is not happening fast enough. I know it's wearing thin with me after I got a $3,500 bill from the rehab facility. WTF!

But after our visit I drove home to pick up Boomer so he could get his bath. We found a great groomer at the Petco in Tempe. Boomer loves Jaime. In fact he knows who she is when you say her name to him on bath day. They both enjoy each other's company and he is always so happy after his grooming visit.

So we are both home now. Boomer is laying in my favorite spot; at my feet and I'm nursing a martini. Thank you Lord for a good day. I do have so much to be grateful for.